Wednesday, September 20, 2006

the fall

the fall brings
a fever
beautiful and distracting
my forehead is hot
my feet are cold
it's not yet autumn
only a few more days
new season
new life
springing from the lessons
learned in the summer
I can hardly focus
tickle in the throat
monarchs in my stomach
bringing forth the the coolness
I swallow my hot tea
turn to look at the sky
a front is coming
bringing in the season
by and by

Sunday, September 17, 2006

my ecotone







Saturday, September 16, 2006

it is what it is

the nights are extended
waking in the dark
bent over struggling
to pick up my bags
and place them on the kitchen table
stretching across the apartment
the balcony starting on fire
early birds worming to the bus stop
I breathe in the cool air
crisp in the lungs
a cough to clear the air
the morning glory are holding on
quiet sky, purple and orange
the television isn't on yet
this is the best part of the day

Saturday, September 02, 2006

summer is waning

the remnants of a hurricane
are blowing through the city
coming down the pike
autumn's smooth drift
into each day
days shortening
taking in each daylight spark
breathing in and watching
the memories float by
the beach's slamming waves
calling you in
the storm is stomping down the days
of eternal warmth
and light in the sky
I'm waiting for it to pass